Aread » Subsidies for an innovative collaborative project

Subsidies for an innovative collaborative project

aides aux projets collaboratifsLaunching acollaborative R&D projectproject opens up new perspectives for any innovative project: new skills and means, pooling of costs, sharing of risks, etc...  Financing a collaborative project for your industrial or technological company is also one of the advantages of such a project. Grants for setting up collaborative projects is particularly accessible in the form of calls for projects offered by Bpifrance, the the national research agency (ANR) andEurope.

To be one of the winners of these calls for projects, it is necessary to start from the criteria requested to build your project. There is also the collaborative research tax credit (CICO).

Are you a technology, industrial or service company ? AREAD allows you to easily get grants for your collaborative project.

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    Notre accompagnement

    AREAD vous propose une offre d'accompagnement inédite complète pour assurer la réussite de votre projet collaboratif innovant :

    Subsidies for an innovative collaborative project